City Square, LS1 2AN



City Square, LS1 2AN


written by: Kelly O'Reilly
animated by: Vic Reeves

Sponsored by Leeds Art Fund

"I’ve always been intrigued by the story of the Black Prince and wondered what he was actually doing in Leeds! ”

Vic Reeves

Leeds locals were somewhat confused when Edward the Black Prince and his trusty steed were unveiled in stone in 1903 - the Black Prince has no connection to Leeds at all! 

The statue of the Black Prince was commissioned by Thomas Harding, the Mayor of Leeds, to celebrate Leeds' new status as a city. A local champion, such as crusader Henry de Lacy, was rejected in favour of a nationally prominent figure: Edward the Black Prince, eldest son of Edward III.

The Black Prince was created by leading sculptor Sir Thomas Brock (1847-1922). The bronze sculpture was so huge that it had to be cast in Belgium, as there was no foundry in Britain large enough - and be towed into Leeds by canal boat!

Read more about the Black Prince here

Learn more about historical sculpture in Leeds at Leeds Art Gallery

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